The Antilogos Last Succession (1 of 3)

Table of Contents

An Introduction

When completely understood this message shares the secrets of who and what led us to this point in history and what's coming in terms of Jmmanuel's warnings about the end.

I believe this was done on purpose by the Petale level to create an illusion of mystery when in fact it creates a means to hide the truth which the antilogos cannot figure out when they analyse it or possibly because they didn't see its confusion as a threat.

Referencing other lines and the need to look forward and backward to confirm parts of the message is proof to those who grasp it that this message is not only authentic in its knowledge, but it comes from one of the highest levels of evolution. It proves to the beholder that it's beyond the material belt.

If you don't understand it initially, then the corresponding links I provide should be used to research further and the questions that arise should be answered with this same type of back-and-forth. I do not think that anyone should just trust what I am trying to convey so if there are any questions I can help clarify I would be happy to help.

Charter Power

Money gives you power limited by the laws where you reside. Charters and the ability to issue them give you the power to make your laws and live within them wherever you reside. If you follow the Charters and trust the prophecies and predictions, you can understand the Antilogos power described in these messages brought forth by Billy Meier.

Charters give the trustees named sovereign rights to make laws on given patents of land. Different charters are worded differently and a lack of words can open up charters and their power for interpretations. Some of the most famous charters include the Charter Oak, the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, and the Charters of the seven Ivy League Colleges chartered before the United States Constitution and its Contract Clause which validates these colonial charters as private contracts. 

Charters allow succession and this is how charter power is kept in families who possess them. In this case, we are approaching a time of the last succession for the Americans who get this designation from their roles in the British colonies.

Following the Charters

Grandfather - (lines 15-17) - The Ivy League successor trustee families. Their Colleges were Chartered before the USA existed. These Charters are valid with the Contract Clause which was created in 1787 along with many other clauses and acts.

Father - (lines 19-21) - United Nations Charter. The grandfather embodies this body of people with contracts and friendships.

Mother - (line 18) Columbia's personification. Washington D.C. (District of Columbia), ratified the U.N. Charter. She is also the representation of "God" as "One Nation under God".

Sons of Zion - Bahai International Community. Chartered by the U.N. and takes orders from the Universal House of Justice in Acre, Israel. They share offices with the United Nations in New York and Geneva.

Daughters of Zion - Partitioned by the U.N. with Resolution 181(II) in 1947. Originally partitioned by the League of Nations, (predecessor to the United Nations), after World War 1 or 2 if you learned what Billy has said about the Seven Years War. Their Charter comes from the Israeli Declaration of Independence

Each one of these charters is made up of a body politic of people who function as a living entity. You will notice that this message explains a child or a person with a body and this is true. Not only is the U.N. made up of a body politic of people, but the UN is made up of six organs just like a body has organs (line 19, 3-4)

The First Child of Evil (United Nations who is a child that becomes a father)

The Original Message 

Thursday, January 29, 1976 01:05 AM

1) It is the child of evil, the child of ruin,

2) that is deadly opponent against knowledge, wisdom and truth, and opponent against love, peace, respect and harmony.

The "IT" as you will see is the United Nations, specifically the charter which is the legal document that brought it to life. "IT" is the child of the grandfather which is the Ivy League successor trustee families who are evil. "IT" matures over eight years growing through resolutions and power which at this point in history can be seen by anyone.

Their evil is described on line 24. as a way they use a combination of:

24) He is the killer of all truth, the Anti-Logos in last succession, teaching falsely through infatuation, while destroying, establishing himself in his evil power, which is the evil of Anti-Logos.

Using this combination of evil, the child becomes a man and a father who creates new charters and life. These additional children are used by the grandfather whom the successor trustee families embody to break every nation down into ruins. This same process of evil is used over and over and has brought us to this point in history.

United Nations Logo

United Nations Charter signed June 26th, 1945

3) It is the Anti-Logos in manifold form.

The Antilogos are the numerical values for "Jesus" whose real name was Jmmanuel.

Line 21) explains that when the UN or "child" is formed, it is evil in manifold form which is the double of Jmmanuel in pretense, meaning it is the pretend version of Jmmanuel which everyone knows as Jesus, and whose cult followers are currently waiting for his "second coming".

21) The child of evil in manifold form, the now and the previous, is the double of Jmmanuel in pretense, but it is not the double.

To learn more about how the Antilogos use the double of Jmmanuel who is "Jesus", follow the link below.

4) It is the force of evil, the 666,

5) which is against the truth of Creation,

6) against the truth of Spirit

Semjase explains in Contact 045 that 666 is the numerical value for "God", "Christ", "Jesus", and "Church" and words that hold these Kabbalistic values are used as a force by the evil who is the Grandfather, (Ivy League successor trustee families). 

145. The numerical value 666 applies to the German-language values of God, Church, Christ and Jesus.

146. Jesus is the false name for Jmmanuel, who already in his lifetime refused this name, because he knew the future and knew what would be made of him.

The Grandfather who is the successor trustee families who embody the Ivy League with their Royal Charters are the ones using the 666 force to bring about the "second coming" of Jesus who is the double of Jmmanuel.

The truth of the Creation and how each individual's Spirit is a part piece of the Creation is combatted with the force of the 666 words which continue to mislead many humans after years of this force being built up by liars, fanatics, charlatans, and power greedy ones such as these mighty Antilogos are described as on line 16.

7) and against the obedience of the laws and commandments.

When we speak of The 666, we are talking about a man and his work with another extraterrestrial who against his will has become a delusional figure for cult religions around the world.

This line helps explain who that man might be. Only Billy can clarify and confirm the man who has become a delusional figure. I can only say that Moses and Abraham are suspects with Moses being the main suspect.

If you would like to know more about the 666 you can follow the link below.

This is where I can tell another Petale starts explaining the same theme, with more information and in a different context.

8) The IT is HE - the embodiment of the mighty,

9) in lawlessness, lust for power and bloodthirstiness, in the Anti-Logos.

10) Power of evil with lying powers, wonders and signs and diverse seduction, deception, lying and betrayal,

11) toward unrighteousness and erroneous teaching of those, who get lost in the erroneous knowledge of the Anti-Logos,

12) because they do not accept the love for truth unto salvation.

I want to point out how the Antilogos use "IT" which is the UN Charter, to gain the power of evil they use to create lying signs and wonders that are mentioned in line 10.

This relates to the Bahai International Community explained around line 31. They are the sons of Zion who are responsible for performing the antilogos lying signs and wonders.

31) "He is the son of corruption, powerful in performing lying signs and wonders."

We can also point out that the "son of corruption" belongs to the Antilogos from lines 46 and 47 and following the charter of the UN which chartered the Bahai International Community in March 1948.

46) "It is the time of wickedness, regarded as virtues, corrupting belief in cult religions, the truth in Spirit he murders. Therefrom the wise one recognizes the time."

47) "The epoch of sects, fanaticism, the evil, as belief, the introduction to the Anti-Logos."

The use of these signs is coming to Geneva and they relate to the "Heavens" as seen in line 69.

69) Watchful is the wise one, before the happening he sees the signs in heaven, which he interprets, understanding them, he flees.

This is because humans on Earth are lost in the erroneous knowledge of Jesus and his "second coming" and the love for the truth and the salvation it offers is not accepted, lying signs and wonders are used to set the stage for the double of Jmmanuel. This is what line 21 explains after lines 15-20 explain the birth of the UN.

21) The child of evil in manifold form, the now and the previous, is the double of Jmmanuel in pretense, but it is not the double.

Since the antilogos are the numerical value for Jesus and Jmmanuel's double is Jesus, you can see that the lying signs and wonders relate to the second coming of Jesus and if you skip down to line 21 I explain briefly what the Bahai faith is being used for by "IT" which is the United Nations embodied by the Ivy League successor trustee families.

I will quote what Jammanuel stated about these times for those who do use the Teachings of Truth:

18. "but those who persist in the truth will survive.

19. "This lesson will be preached in the new age throughout the world as a testimony for all peoples, and then the end will come.

13) It is the child of destruction, the Anti-Logos, the malicious, confusing, sneaking, lurking and deadly.

14) It is the child of annihilation, murdering the truth, 666, the Anti-Logos.

This explains in a different context the Antilogos use of the child or children. The Father (United Nations), and the son, (Bahai International Community), share offices so they would be working together to use the force of the 666 to murder the truth of the Creation with the use of the second coming of Jmmanuels double, (Jesus).

This is also where the Beast who is King Charles III and the vast empire he inherited is currently, in 2024, being used. He is a wolf in 

The symbolic Beast which is known and spoken of is the combination of the Beast and the 666, hence, the 666 Beast. The Beast holds "Christ" and "Church" numerical values, and the Antilogos hold the 666 values of "God" and "Jesus".

Together they make a combination that takes the empire of various institutions the Supreme Governor of the Church of England owns, such as the European Union, the Vatican, and others, and puts that power into the hands of the Antilogos which are the Ivy League successor trustee families.

To learn more about identifying the Beast and how the 666 is currently using the Beast to gain Switzerland's neutrality and power and much more, follow the link below.

The Ivy League (Grandfather)

15) In eighth succession is created the Anti-Logos in total, the thing as man of untruth, of disgrace, of destruction, and of death.

Ivy League (The Creepy One)

The spreadsheet below is the best way to explain the eighth succession. These universities form an intercollegiate athletics conference, specifically the NCAA Division 1 conference known as the "Ivy League". This is what brings all these anti-logos together in total. Each school is a body politic of people, a corporate board of trustees, and successor trustees. The Ivy League is a total circle of antilogos in its birth.

When these eight separate corporate bodies came together as this athletic conference in 1954, these multiple corporate bodies became a single body or a "thing as man" which is a thing of untruth given it has nothing to do with Athletics. Billy will have to explain this further given its establishment through private contracts.

Ivy League Details

Seven Children Details

16) Before him are seven embodiments of mighty ones, within themselves Anti-Logos,

17) seven children of evil, working in the murder of truth, and murdering mankind bloodthirstily numbering in manifold millions.

"Before him" refers to line 15) and "the thing as man", before the Ivy League. Seven of the eight are mighty given their Charters predate the Declaration of Independence Charter and are still valid with the Contract Clause in the United States Constitution of 1787. The prior Articles of Confederation would not have allowed for these charters to remain valid given we had just fought a war with the powers who granted them.

Columbia University

In 1787 King's College was still under the control of a Board of Regents from the newly formed State of New York. Alexander Hamilton played a large role in arguing that the College trustees, (which had been shut down during the American Revolution), should be given back the same authority as they had been given under its original charter that was granted in 1754. The State of New York validated the trustee's old charter from 1754 in 1787 and renamed it Columbia College since then it has been allowed to live outside of the laws of the Nation. This lawlessness is later reaffirmed by the Supreme Court between the trustees of Dartmouth and the legislators of Rhode Island.

Dartmouth College

In 1819, the State of New Hampshire challenged Dartmouth's trustees by taking their Charter and Land and this was put before the Supreme Court in 1819 with the case Dartmouth College v. Woodward

The judgement: "The court found in 1819 that the charter was a contract under the Contract Clause of the United States Constitution, meaning that it could not be impaired by state legislation and that it had not been dissolved by the revolution.". 

In other words, the charters are private contracts that cannot be impaired or modified by the states. To understand the meaning of Deep State, follow the link below.

The Deep State

18) It is the child of evil, the Anti-Logos, born of the womb of her, the God-honorer, begotten in falsehood and lying by the monastery-brother.

The mother is the United States of America and relates to The Pledge of Allegiance with its "one nation under god".

The monastery-brother would refer the Franklin D. Roosevelt who went to Harvard and Columbia and these universities are monasteries given the definition. He was the one who coined the term "United Nations".

Timeline of the creation of the United Nations:

Russia did not sign off on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and they are not a part of the E.U. and after the U.N. was formed the Cold War began.

Before the United Nations, Woodrow Wilson who was a Princeton Graduate, created the League of Nations. This was responsible for the WWI negotiations of the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty was responsible for the partition of Palestine and the reparations demands from Germany.

Once the United Nations Charter was completed it was ratified in Washington D.C.

Giving birth to the UN Charter

19) Born at an insignificant place,[1] against sunrise, around the seventh hour,[2] abandoned, brought to the East,[3] where he was to die of gnawing bowels.[4]

[1] - The charter for the U.N. was signed in San Fransisco on  June 26th, 1945.

[2] - Around the seventh hour is a reference to the Coordinated Universal Time and daylight savings, which in the summertime in San Fransisco is -7:00  from the +0:00. The hyphen, ("-"), is against the sunrise.

[3] - It was brought to the east and meant death because no one paid attention to it. No one knew that it would be a large powerful organization that would be controlled by all these anti-logos who nurtured it to bring about their messiah. It's not normal behavior to want so much power and this is what is so difficult for all of us to initially understand or even grasp at all.

[4] - This United Nations body of people is made up of six organs: the Secretariat, the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Trusteeship Council. These organs are the bowels and intestines of the United Nations System.

Additionally, the General Assembly under the charter is allowed to create subsidiary organs and make amendments to the charter.

20) But it is rescued, taken in and nourished by the creepy one that is never satisfied with lying, betrayal and falsehood.

Ivy creeps. This is a further explanation and description of the Ivy League which is in no way an athletic conference but a front for anti-logos to obtain their goals, through private contracts and lawlessness.

The "Creepy One" in the East

21) The child of evil in manifold form, the now and the previous, is the double of Jmmanuel in pretense, but it is not the double.

After the UN is borne, taken in, and nourished, it gives the antilogos power to create the lying signs and begin to use their evil described in line 24 to lead humans who are lost in the erroneous knowledge of Jesus and his "second coming"

A comprehensive understanding of the Antilogos, the 666, the Israelites, links to Wikipedia pages that collaborate historical facts, and all parts of this Petale message is how you can start to see that the double of Jmmanuel, which the Antilogos claim was named Jesus, is being used to create his "second coming".

Further explanations in parts 2 and 3 and a broad clear vision point to a Universal Bahai Faith, specifically the Bahai International Community which shares offices with the United Nations in Geneva and New York. This is the Son and Father respectfully.

This International Community of Bahais takes their orders from the Universal House of Justice in Israel and as a faith, encompasses all past false prophets such as Moses, Abraham, the double of Jmmanuel named Jesus, and others into one false prophet named Baháu'lláh who is enshrined in the Acre, Israel.

The goal of the Antilogos which are the value of Jmmanuels double, (Jesus), is to use their power of evil and lying to produce lying signs and wonders to bring about a Universal Bahai Faith and world government that would be controlled by them using the power of their Charters.

Maturing the Child of Evil (Father)

22) It is protected and enfolded by the power of evil, whose power it grasps in the eleventh year.

Enfolded is a perfect word to describe this evil which is a circle that surrounds it and protects it. On January 17th, 1946, the First Session of the United Nations Security Council was held and it was determined that all resolutions issued by the U.N. "Security Council", are enforced by the U.N. "Peacekeepers". They use the power of this U.N. Charter with their force in the eleventh year to create a crisis so a resolution can be enforced or simply forced. 

If we are looking at 11 years from 1945 to 1956 and we are looking at the Suez Canal Crisis. Part of the force that is used to create many crises' comes from Israel and the 1947 U.N. Resolution that partitions Palestine. The Suez Crisis was an invasion of Egypt by Israel that creates the United Nations Emergency Force and the U.N. becomes an international police force for canal zones. This is the world's first peacekeeping force or police force. Emphasis on "keeping" and "force" should not be underestimated, they are not peaceful and they keep the peace to mask the use of their force.

Controlling international law gives them the ability to use profiteering or pirating as a means to enforce resolutions and establish their evil and this comes two years after this crisis with the convention on the high seas and control over international law.

Lists of United Nations Security Council Resolutions

As a side note on June 25th, 1950 the Korean War began through the authorized military intervention of the United Nations Command. Russia was boycotting the U.N. at this time.

Regarding Suez Canal Current Events

Conspiracy theories that have gone around regarding the latest Suez Canal crisis are far-fetched and meant to mislead anyone searching for the truth. Specifically ones regarding child trafficking operations being conducted on the Evergreen Ships and devices being seized that would kill everyone.

The latest crisis is the fight between ones in Asia who are criminals also and the mighty ones who control the U.N. and give power to all the antilogos worldwide. These conspiracy theories are intentional and are meant to mislead. Commerce and its use in War do not need to be explained, however, it should be studied and learned. An Act to Further Protect Commerce is an act that is intriguing because it gave the President power to declare war and was used in Vietnam and Desert Storm. Beyond these powers given to the President, it also made it possible for Letters of Marque to be issued privately. Letters of Marque were given to privateers to seize enemy ships in International waters. When we are not at war with countries or whalers, these Letters of Marque turn privateers into pirates.

23) The IT - is HE - the child becomes a man, within him the Anti-Logos is total, who now gathers around him the equal-minded for a duration of eight years.

After the UN gained the ability to control and police all of the canals and waterways in the world, its growth is considered in its establishment as a world police force. Something that is used to enforce resolutions. The "IT" is now a man and this is how IT is moving forward, not a child anymore but a man that can birth more charters.

Within the U.N. is the Ivy League and its control of it. At this point in 1956 the following countries had joined the United Nations: Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Luxembourg, Federation of Malaya, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and Yemen.

Other antilogos started to gather around the Ivy Leagues specifically the antilogos and the mighty ones who embody the UN. 

From the eleventh year to the nineteenth year is eight years and as you keep reading, line 25) explains the nineteenth year is when they begin to use the U.N. as antilogos of totality, and "he stretches forth his murdering claws". This comes from the large circle of totality that is controlled by the mighty ones in the Ivy League.

24) He is the killer of all truth, the Anti-Logos in last succession, teaching falsely through infatuation, while destroying, establishing himself in his evil power, which is the evil of Anti-Logos.

Their last succession is the power grab that we are currently in. To make it seem as though the biblical signs of the time are here which is a complete lie. The truth is they are doing this on purpose and the following words show just how they establish themselves and take the power.

That is the evil of the antilogos.

25) The fruit of the evil, he firstly harvests in the thirtieth year, but already in the nineteenth he stretches forth his murdering claws.

Using this evil which destroys while teaching falsely, they can bear fruit through the United Nations establishment.

The 13th year is 1958 which is 2 years after the Suez Canal crisis which brought about control over canals and the Convention on the High Seas which allowed the U.N. and ultimately the mighty ones who raised the child complete control over International Law which is the Law of the Sea.

The 19th year is when the antilogos use the U.N. to "stretches forth his murdering claws.", and has many things that are relevant and you start to see the U.N. and the US-Americans that control it make their move on the world powers. Using International waters, they can act as pirates and put pressure on countries using planned events that create an international crisis. Most importantly, this is where you see the effect of the U.S. involvement with North Vietnam, which was caused by the mighty ones in America, via the U.N.

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident is what kicked off the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War with Congress approving the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution on 7 August 1964.

I would like to include what Billy has said about this incident in Contact 871:

"Also in the Vietnam War, in which South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos were involved and which America officially started in August 1964. Regarding this war, I want to say that Asket said and told me that America had invented and also spread a purposeful lie that a North Vietnamese torpedo boat had carried out an attack on a US naval ship in the Gulf of Tonkin for absolutely no reason. An unparalleled lie and false report that served the purpose of giving the USA a reason to legally intervene in the Vietnam War, which had been raging as a civil war between capitalist South Vietnam and communist North Vietnam since 1955. The deliberately deceitful lie, which was manufactured under the patronage of US President Lyndon B. Johnson, was used by the US military as an opportunity to intervene in the Vietnam War. So America attacked North Vietnam on a massive scale in 1964, with the war then lasting until 1973, which I followed at times"

President Johnson signing the resolution on August 10th, 1964

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Some Other Events Relevant to 1964

26) His power is murdering, his peace is war, his love is the demanding of blood, greed and tyranny.

This is how the UN, it's organs, and it;s peacekeeping force have been used.

27) He brandishes the world in bloody rulership,[1] twenty-seven years his hatred blazes through him.[2]

From 1945 to 1972 is twenty-seven years of the United Nations, through war and many events, driven by their hatred, becomes an "effective" solution to the international crises they cause. They establish themselves through their evil of destruction and resolutions.

In 1972, after using an immense amount of hatred the United Nations became a powerful man with all the anti-logos joining the United Nations and I imagine other organizations related to and authorized by the U.N. Charter.

It's worth noting that the United Nations University was also established in 1972.

By January 27th, 1973 U.S. Troops were withdrawn from Vietnam and the Paris Peace Accords were signed.